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Constitution and By-Laws


The name of the organization is The Pennsylvania Rheumatology Society.
The Pennsylvania Rheumatology Society shall be constituted as a non-profit, professional association organized and operated to serve the common professional interests of rheumatologists and their patients in Pennsylvania and the Pennsylvania region.
The purpose of the Pennsylvania Rheumatology Society is to act as the voice of rheumatologists in Pennsylvania;
To advance the knowledge, science and practice of rheumatology, to assist in the improvement of the quality of rheumatologic medicine and training therein, and to preserve the integrity of the specialty of rheumatology;

To serve as a patient advocate in promoting quality rheumatologic care services for individuals with rheumatic diseases;
To foster the cooperation of all who are concerned with the medical, social, and economic aspects of rheumatology in Pennsylvania; and
To support local professional organizations including the Philadelphia Rheumatism Society and the Western Pennsylvania Rheumatology Society; coordinate with regional and other state organizations including the Pennsylvania Medical Society and to represent the views and wishes of this membership before the governing bodies of the American College of Rheumatology.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of these Articles, the Society shall at all times be operated in such a manner as will assure its qualifications as an organization which is exempt from taxation pursuant to Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
No part of the net earnings of the Society shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to its members, trustees, officers or other private persons except that the Society may be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in this Article.
Upon dissolution of this organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) or the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.


SECTION 1. The voting members of the Society shall consist of active, trainee, and retired members only.

SECTION 2. Members.

  • Active membership shall be open to any person holding the degree of M.D., D.O. who has demonstrated a major and continuing interest in Rheumatology shall be eligible for membership in the Society.

  • Affiliate membership shall be open to any person of good character who evinces an interest in rheumatology and is not a physician.

  • Retired membership shall be open to physicians who have been members of the Society for at least 5 (five) years, who have reached the age of 65, and who are no longer engaged in the active practice of medicine. Retired members are exempt from Society dues.

  • Trainees in rheumatology, medicine and medical students may join in a dues exempt membership category for the duration of their training.

  • Corporate membership shall be available to industry partners that provide products or services to be used in the care of rheumatology patients. Corporate members may not vote, serve on committees, or hold office.

SECTION 3. Qualifications for Membership.

  •  Application for membership shall be initiated by the candidate. Only active and trainee categories of membership applicants must indicate their ability to meet one or more of the following criteria, which will provide guidance to the Nominating Committee for assessing the eligibility of the candidate:

    • Clinical experience/interest as a specialist and consultant in rheumatic diseases and related conditions.

    • Successful completion of a research or clinical traineeship in Rheumatology, specialized training in Rheumatology during a residency, or other relevant post-graduate education.

    • Documentation from their current training facility.

SECTION 4. Election to membership shall be decided by the Nominating Committee. There shall be no limit on the number of members.

SECTION 1. Officers of the Society shall be a President, Vice President (President-Elect), Secretary-Treasurer, all to be elected to two-year terms with annual confirmation by the membership. Officers should progress from Secretary Treasurer to Vice President and President every two years. The officers should be from different parts of the state, preferentially one from the eastern, central and western regions.

SECTION 2. Councilors. There shall be four councilors, all to be elected to two-year terms. Councilors may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms.  The Councilors should be balanced for geography as well as practice type. 
SECTION 3. Early Career Representatives. There shall be two Early Career representatives appointed by the council to the Board. Nominees must be five years, or less, out of training. These positions will serve two-year terms, with the opportunity to be elected to an officer or councilor position after the term has ended.
SECTION 4. Fellow in Training Representative. There shall be two Fellow in Training representatives. Nominations by Program Directors will be reviewed with a final appointment by the council. These positions will serve an October-June appointment with a one-year term. Reappointment opportunities will be available for first year fellows in training.
SECTION 5. New officers and councilors shall assume office at the conclusion of the annual business meeting.  
SECTION 6. A report by the President, Councilors and Representatives may be given annually at the annual business meeting.
SECTION 1. The Council shall consist of the immediate Past-President, President, Vice President (President-Elect), Secretary-Treasurer, four councilors, two early career representatives and one fellow in training representative. It shall be the duty of the Council to supervise the affairs of the Society, to elect new members and to help the President arrange for the annual business meeting. All members of the Council will have voting privileges.  One-Half plus one of seated council members shall constitute a quorum. Council members who miss two consecutive meetings without notice will be asked to resign.
SECTION 1. The President in consultation with the Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Society. The President is responsible for hiring administrative staffing services or any other needed service on a year-to-year basis, but must seek approval for services at the annual business meeting. He or she also has the authority to accept donations and advertisement monies for the treasury. He or she can authorize travel and meeting reimbursements. Reports of these activities are to be given at the annual business meeting. The President, with the approval of Council, shall fill vacancies on the council that occur in the interim between business meetings.
SECTION  1. Dues shall be assessed annually in an amount stipulated by the Council.
SECTION 1. The Program Committee, with approval of the Council, shall select the program of the annual scientific meeting.

SECTION 2. An annual business meeting of the Society will be held annually for the purpose of electing officers and transacting other business. Elections and business transactions shall require a majority vote of the members present and voting.

SECTION 3. Special scientific or business meetings may be called by the Council.
SECTION 4. Notification of the annual business meeting must be sent in writing to the membership at least thirty days in advance.
SECTION 1. Nominating Committee. The President shall appoint annually a committee of three who shall prepare a slate of officer and councilor nominees to be approved by the Council and voted on by the general membership at the annual business meeting. The Committee will also review and approve applications for membership and present those approved in the prior year at the annual business meeting.

Program Committee. The President shall appoint annually a committee to plan the annual scientific meeting. The committee chair may serve consecutive years with annual reappointment by the President.
Past Presidents’ Committee. The Immediate Past President will serve as the chair person. This voluntary committee, under the direction of the Board of Directors, will advise and assist the Pennsylvania Rheumatology Society on health care policy, advocacy, membership recruitment, regional representation, education activities, and financial report.
SECTION 2. The President shall be empowered to appoint such additional committees as shall be necessary to conduct the affairs of the Society.
SECTION 1. Amendments. 
Amendments to the by-laws must be proposed in writing to the Council by three members. The amendment must be acted upon at the succeeding annual business meeting, notices of which shall contain an announcement of the proposed amendment and such amendments shall require for their adoption an affirmative vote of the majority those present.
Adopted May 13, 1988
Amended November 13, 2001
Amended November 14, 2005
Amended October 27, 2008
Amended September 26, 2015
Amended August 2, 2017
Adopted September 17, 2017 
​Adopted September 22, 2018
Adopted September 18, 2021

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